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 Specializing in
Resume Development

Resume Services:
· Executive Resumes
· On-line Resumes
· Cover Letters
· Reference Lists
· Salary Histories
· Follow-up thank you letters
· E-Mail Formatting
· Mail Merges
· Outplacement Services

3 Steps to a Quality Resume

Comments from some satisfied customers:

"I wanted to let you know that ... I landed the job I wanted and I can't thank you enough for the resume. I'm sure it had a lot to do with me getting picked!"
- Supervisor

"I just thought I'd call and let you know that I did get a job with [a major company]. I'm actually leaving today and I start on Monday. ... Thanks so much for all your help. It did the job."
- Corporate Executive

Copyright © 2002
International Netcasters
Design and Hosting services

Get Onboard with an Online Job Search…

Turn on your computer 24/7, log on the Internet, and you can shop for a new job at your choice of thousands of career websites. Gone are the days (thank God!) when you had to sift through stacks of newspapers and trade journals to find job postings. The resources are more readily at your
fingertips, but forget about it if you're not ready to get into the game with a quality resume in an electronic format.

Today's personal marketing documents come in all shapes and sizes, electronically, that is! They're no longer limited to those one-size-fits-all paper documents. You can shop the job market with your standard paper resume, but to be most effective, you will need an ASCII resume and a paste-able resume, and maybe you'll want to try a variety of Web resume options.
Think of it this way: your resume in most cases is an employer's first glimpse of you. Send in an outmoded document in the wrong style and you might as well be wearing a leisure suit! Remember, you really need your documents to "suit you at your best."

Be ready with ProWrite Promotions' new "Onboard with Online" service. Call today for more information.